Islam began as something strange and will revert to being strange as it began, so give glad tidings to the STRANGERS...

Be (live) in the world as if you are a STRANGER or a passer-by...

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Homeschooling: Learning about Hajj

It was the hajj season so we decided to make a special eduplay group on hajj.
We started off by reminding the kids about the 5 pillars of Islam and hajj being the 5th pillar.
Then i got my dear homeschooling mate to do a story telling about the life of Prophet Abraham 'Alayhissalam and how hajj came about.

After that, I shared a few pictures i found on an islamic encyclopedia showing the kaabah, Arafah, the jamaraat etc.. basically pictures related to hajj to give the kids some ideas about the rituals. We had an interactive discussion with question and answer in between.

Then, the fun part... for the smaller kids, we got them to do handprint wooly sheep for slaughtering.
For the bigger kids, we got them to make a diorama of the hajj journey.

Then get them to use the pilgrims to perform their hajj. To make it more interesting, I used a double-sided tape to paste the hair of the male pilgrims so the kids could 'shave' the pilgrims hair as a part of the ritual ;)

Then show the kids.. using the cardboard pilgrims, how to perform hajj.. step by step..
Alhamdulillah, the kids enjoyed making and then playing with the model, most importantly they also got to learn another important pillar of Islam.. Hajj.

Homeschooling: Kids Personal Details

I remember ever since I was a child, or maybe ever since i was born... I was told to be a doctor.. and as i grew up with that idea fed into my mind.. i found that yes.. i do want to be a doctor. That is like success for me. And really... it is my own desire.. no one force me into it (at least, consciously).. I really wanted to be a doctor cause its my passion.. you know what I mean?! In fact, if you ask me now, would you be a doctor again if given a chance, and a long list of conditions fulfilled... I would definitely say yes! Inshaallah..

So that shows how important to put ideas into your kids mind.. while you still can.. its never too early!
I remembered when mus'ab was just 2, i used to train him to tell whats his name, age and what he wants to be when he grows up.. he would say.. a da'ie, inshaallah!

Recently, a friend came and told him that he should be an 'aalim one day.. in reply, he said, "No, i want to be a Mufti!"

Inshaallah, ameen.. May Allah keep you in the straight path, son.. the path of the righteous and pious in the eyes of Allah...the journey is still long for you inshaallah and its not gonna get easier.. Allah give you the guidance.. Ameen!

So what i got the kids do, as a part of our social studies as well,  was to fill in the following form and explain to them how they should fill them in and why, what it means and why its important etc..
A simple activity but kids found it quite exciting..

My personal detail
First name:__________________________
Last name:__________________________
Date of Birth:
·      Islamic:__________________________
·      Gregorian:________________________
Place of Birth:________________________
House address:__________________________
Phone number:
·      Abah:___________________________
·      Mama:__________________________
My thumbprint:

Dear Atheist..

Firstly I have to tell you that I am not an Islamic scholar, or an expert preacher or a trained missionary or anything of that sort. I know people don’t spend much time on this issue of faith these days, so I decided to lay it down in the simplest way..

-yes! Because even the simplest of things has a creator.
-how can a complex being like man or even a mosquitoe came out by chance. Look around for things that was produced by chance, usually its a piece of junk..if it came out as one piece that is..
-we accept the big bang theory, but it doesn’t answer as to where the primordial gas comes from? The only explanation is there has to be a creator.. a Being, that is not confined to our dimension, space and time. A being with no beginning or end, His Being is beyond human comprehension. And One Being that fit all this description is Allah, the God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad peace be upon them all.
-if you said no to this, then ..
you’re saying that the complex world suddenly came out.. as in hocus pocus! Difference is.. there is not even a hocus pocus.. it just came out suddenly?! Out of nothing?!
You cant prove that the believers are wrong either
You are putting yourself at risk… that if God truly exist, you are going to be answerable to Him on the Day of Judgement.  As much as Allah promises rewards and forgiveness, there are also warnings and punishments for the disbelievers..

Why rituals..
-how we would agree for a surgery recommended by a doctor treating us. We know its gonna be painful but we believe that the doctor knows what we don’t. we do rituals because we believe that our creator knows whats best for us, it might not make sense at first, but if we believe that its gonna bring goodness,  it will!.. eventually, if not in this world, then definitely in the HereAfter..

You are a good person, you have your good values…
But you don’t believe in your creator….then where is your good values?
Its like a child who are good to everyone except his or her own mother..
A wife, who receives everything from her husband ie wealth and love, but choose to ignore him
A citizen who obeys everyones rule except the governments.

But Its difficult..
Of course! Even being a born-Muslim myself, I am still struggling to be a good muslim… so I cant imagine being at your shoes, to change your lifestyle after 50 years of living it .. it is difficult, I know, but you know what, it is possible..  with a strong will and believe!
And in this religion.. just a good intention, without even doing or achieving it yet..
Allah will reward you.. Allah looks at your effort and sincere heart..

Give yourself a chance.. and some time..

Homeschooling: 5 Pillars of Islam

Our guide is the Qur'an
Our Religion is Islam

Five Noble Pillars upholding what is virtuous
To make the Testimony is the base of the Faith, and the Fast, and the Prayer, the Pilgrimage and Charity.

Dusturuna-al Qur'anu
Wa Deenuna-al Islamu
Arkanuhu Jaleelah da'aimun Fadheelah
Wa hiya ash-Shahadatani, qa'aidatul Iman, wa-as Sawmu, Wa-as Salatu, Wa-al Hajju, Wa-az Zakatu

So we started our eduplay group this time, with this song entitled the 5 noble pillars. A very simple song yet the kids get to memorize the 5 pillars and learn some arabic too!

Next, I used the whiteboard to have an interactive discussion on the 5 pillars with the kids.

And to make my job easier,and the session more colourful, i get the other mums of the group to present each pillars in their own way. 

An interesting way they presented them was in a form of storytelling.. where they made their own personalized story book with simple pictures, using the names of kids in the group as the characters in the story.. a very creative and effective way to attract the kids attention, inshaallah...

Lastly, for the craft session, we divided our group into 2 groups because of the age gap. I got the smaller kids to do handprinting. Their 5 fingers represents the 5 pillars. Get the mums to write in the 5 pillars on each finger tip.

And for the bigger kids, we got them to make a mosque with the 5 pillars being its pillars.
One difference that we made in our model, compared to other models I came across on the net is the fact that we made the shahadah, the 1st pillar, as the middle and thus, most important pillar of all... Just to highlight to the kids that while all the other pillars are also important, 1 thing that we can and we need to have in us all the time, is the believe in the Oneness of Allah and the Prophet Sallahu'alayhiwasallam being the Messenger of Allah.A person might not be able to pray, fast, pay zakah or perform hajj for different acceptable reasons but as muslims we can't afford to take even a breath without a firm believe in the kalimah... Allah give us the taufeeq inshaallah, Ameen!

The idea is to fill in the pillars with notes about each pillar.