Islam began as something strange and will revert to being strange as it began, so give glad tidings to the STRANGERS...

Be (live) in the world as if you are a STRANGER or a passer-by...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Sweetness of Sacrifice

Celebrating 'Eid-ul-Adha' is a commitment to sacrifice.
Sacrifice is a commitment to love.
Love is a commitment to faith.
Faith is commitment to life.
Hence life is but sacrifices.

Life is about struggle, and struggle certainly needs sacrifices.
Our readiness to sacrifice means our readiness to face the challenges of life, which is an evident challenge itself!
Thanks to Uncle Firman for sharing the above words of wisdom.
Life is but sacrifices...
But what is actually sacrifice?
Some people say that giving money to the poor is a sacrifice.
Some sacrifice their wealth for entertainment..
some sacrifice their time for sports
worst... some sacrifice their eternal HereAfter for this temporary world...

I am not saying that all mentioned above are not sacrifice.. (if we're talking about the dictionary's definition here) but the thing is...
what is true sacrifice?
of course... any 'true' thing has to be from Our Creator.. Allah
other than Allah, in this world, are all His creatures, all is dependent on Him and shall soon return to Him.
so lets get our defnitions right!
dont just go with the flow...
we have to look into our deen, turn to Islam... it is the way of life!

of course, everyone has their reasons for choosing one way or the other
everyones life is different, everyones tested in different ways, they have their own situations
whatever it is.. we have to be sincere,
have that strong intention to please Allah, not our lusts/ ego/ desire.
this life is for Allah.. insyaAllah, with a sincere heart.. Allah wil show us the way from whence we have no expectation!
life is but sacrifices and true sacrifice is a commitment to true love... for Allah.

Ya Allah, give me the strength to sacrifice for your sake.
Accept my sacrifice...
For there is nothing sweeter than the sweetness of sacrificing for You.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Failing/Falling in Love...

Are you in love?
Falling or failing in love?
either one.. we have to admit that it doesnt sound nice.
i mean falling is usually associated with pain, accidental, out of control, failing and all other negative things.
come to think of it.. no wonder we always say falling in love, cause in reality.. truly, the aforementioned things really describe love... worldly love that is! or should i say...the forbidden love?

That love which usually occur 'accidentally'. What they say- love at first sight?!
But somehow personally, i dont believe in this. I mean i think the reason these things happen accidentally is when one has no stand before the 'accident' happens. If we strongly believe that Allah knows best, Allah is Ever Watching all our actions and that falling in love or having pre- / extra- marital relationships are forbidden by Allah.. then we would surely took all measures to prevent ourselves from falling into it.

Islam forbids free mixing with the opposite sex. We have to believe that our future spouses have already been decreed by Allah. That even if we know this guy or girl for years... its not gonna make any difference... in a positive sense that is. The only difference it will make is we're gonna end up with more sins and if we end up with this guy or girl in the end, we're worried that the barakah of the marriage would be taken away cause it was built out of a haram relationship.
Thats if the relationship ended up with marriage.. if not...
we'd be frustrated, humiliated, disappointed. After all our 'hard' work- all the energy, time and money spent..
gone with the wind!
Its a loose-loose situation!

of course, for those people out there who are currently falling in love... we are humans, mistakes and of course 'accidents' happen... no doubt about that. What had happened has happened so we have to move on!
From now on wards... choose to please Allah. Choose to gain His Mercy and Blessings!
Be sorry for yourself for being naughty/ flirty before this. Its not just that ok naughty.. you have to realize that having this relationship equals to disobedience to Allah. The thought of this alone should make one leave the relationship at once!
AllahuAkbar... instill taqwa in our hearts. Dont let our sins blackened our hearts so much so that we are unable to differentiate whats right from wrong! Allah, save us all!

Remind yourself that this thing here is a serious matter. we're talking about your marriage here! Your future life partner!
That other half of you that people say if its a good one..then you would be a complete person, otherwise,you would be finished!
Its about your future generations to come!

Of course, the feeling of love is from Allah. In fact.. everything is from Allah.
Whatever we have here, in this world is from Allah and it shall one day return to Him. Everything is a test- some people are tested with wealth, some with health and some with feelings..
So believe o you lovers! You are being tested by Allah. The greater the test, the greater mujahadah is needed.The greater sacrifice, in terms of suppressing your desires insyaAllah will earn you greater rewards from Allah. So, if i could suggest to you some practical ways to save you from further falling/ failing in love, i would say drop everything for Allah- the sms-ses, facebooking, picture taking, phone calls, datings etc. Allah knows whats in your heart. How hard it is for you to forget him/ her.. Allah knows. Choose to gain His pleasure.. you never know what reward is waiting for you there!

Have that fear in your heart that as long as this relationship is still on.. you are actually sinning. And 1 sin will cause a black dot on your heart. Without tawbah, it will only grow more and more until your heart will be all blackened with sins... naudhubillahi min dhalik!
Then.. you wont even realize you're sinning... May Allah save us all!

Come.. lets rise in love.. lets be victorious in love. Keep yourself busy looking for the true love!
That love that will never disappoint you!
That love that will give you peacefulness and happiness in this world and in the next!
That everlasting love.. longer than forever!
None other than the love for Allah.
May Allah give us the chance to taste the sweetness of loving Him. Amin.